

Dasilib is “Dave’s Simple Library” containing a number of useful things for the AVR ATMega Microcontroller. The source code is here.

Content import!

Hello, please excuse me, I migrated the content from an old, old, old site. I’ve guessed at the dates of original publication. Although the content is recent, my memories of the projects have faded and my willingness to revive any of these pre-arduino toys is non-existant. You may find something here of use, so fill […]


dasicarpodoc DASICARPODOC means “DAve’s SImple CAR iPOd DOCk.” It is a way to integrate an iPod to a car without a headunit. It displays artist and track information on an LCD and provides simple iPod control via remote buttons. There is also a home version, using an stv5730 to provide video output for a TV […]

Golf Temperature Gauge

The water temperature gauge in my 1989 MKII Golf died one day. Being terminally short of cash I decided to replace it with a DS18B20 temperature sensor with LCD display. I have no idea how much a replacement gauge would have been, but it was a good weekend spent thinking, drinking, hacking and swearing. The […]

Manchester Data Link

Manchester Coding Transmitter Source code Receiver source code I made a Transmitter/Receiver pair from a couple of PIC’s. The pair use a manchester coding system. This is a layer 2-ish solution. I put them on top of a 433 MHz rf and an IR layer 1. I used the PICC Lite compiler from HI-TECH, which is pretty […]

Electronic Throttle Control

I developed a prototype Electronic Throttle Controller as my final year project at CPIT in 2001. The system consists of a 68HC11 based main board, a stepper motor and driver board, a pedal position sensor and an engine speed sensor. An Electronic Throttle Controller replaces the mechanical linkage between a cars accelerator pedal and throttle. […]